Monday, January 31, 2011

Opening- Celeste & Jalan

Hello! So, I know I'm extremely late on the whole "Photography blog" thing and all but, with all of the things I've had going on I just never found the time to start one and keep it up. I'm hoping this time will be different.

I'm starting this blog off with one of my favorite shoots that I've done recently. Celeste & Jalan. (:
Celeste is a good friend of mine, and had been bugging me forever about getting some couple shots of her and her new beau (I say 'new' but in all actuality, they were best friends for a looong while before they started dating and have now been living together for over a year.. Kudos to them,right?) So, we packed up and headed to the lake for a sunset shoot. Now, I say sunset shoot lightly... because the sun set way faster than we had planned for, and the weather was not ideal but, in the world of photography you will quickly learn that not everything works out the way you anticipate it to work out. None-the-less, we had a great time. Celeste & Jalan were on top of their game that day and totally worked it out. Nothing makes a photog happier than some easy to work with, fun loving, beautiful people... Overall, It was a brilliant day, and the photos are like 'still proof' of how much fun we all really had. (:  Check it out,ya'll!

Can't wait to work these two again, hopefully there's a wedding in their future! ;)